The Internet opens up great money-making opportunities just waiting to be tapped. These days, it is far easier to generate money from skills and ideas with a powerful platform that can allow you to penetrate the global market – all without the need to leave the comforts of your home office. If you are enamored with the idea of becoming an entrepreneur, or maybe you are already one, how about becoming an ‘infopreneur’ and gain financial freedom by living off new income streams? You have probably read a lot of published and much-talked about success stories of ordinary individuals who have made it big, selling different types of information in various formats. But why settle on reading and hearing all these stories when you can actually make it happen – for yourself?

While a lot of people have managed to make their own fortune from taking advantage of great opportunities online, millions out there don’t have a clue what they are actually missing out on. The mere fact that you are reading this book means you are about to discover the highly rewarding industry of selling information products.