So how do we sustain a healthy body? Generally, we can keep our body in good shape when we feed it with the right nutrition and at the same time we do regular exercise. Physical exercise is known to be very effective in keeping our body working properly. This is because a good exercise can strengthen the immune system which is responsible in defending our body against any diseases. Furthermore, it can also improve our body’s digestion, blood circulation and musculoskeletal function.

Another way of keeping our body healthy is to allow it to have full rest. Through the night, our body is working to repair and maintain body parts that are not functioning well. Therefore, depriving ourselves of sleep will cause us to feel weak and eventually feel fatigued. On the other hand, when we are fully rested our body can easily repair cells and gain enough strength for the next day. Furthermore, when our body is consistently healthy we can handle stress easily and we will become more resilient to any infection. In addition, a well maintained body can effectively fight back chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and many more. More than that, these diseases can be prevented when we are maintaining healthy body through exercise and proper nutrition.