Online dating is wonderful for those of you who like to chat through e-mail or even send texts. If you are comfortable to take it to the next level, you can begin with a phone call. Let your date know what times you are available and always keep in touch. Online dating basics are important for those of you who have not been on a date in a while. You may have been focusing on building a wall around yourself for the past few years after a recent breakup. If this is so, it is time to get out! If you are uneasy or feel uncomfortable going on a blind date, try to talk to your date first. This can be through text or just simply online messaging. We recommend starting out as friends as this won't put a lot of pressure on you and it certainly won't feel like a real date.

If you plan on dating a few different people at once, there are a few rules to online dating. For example, it's a good idea to always follow up after a date. Send them a polite text or just call a few days after to let them know you had a great time. However, it is not a good idea to chase anyone. By having many people around you to chose from, you won't feel like you need to chase.