The concept of freedom is an essential one. It is something everyone desires, craves, strives for and significantly needs in order to carry out their dreams and passions. However, the counterpart of freedom is direction and purpose. The concept of freedom alone, without purpose is said to be imperfect. It limits the possible depth and overall assessment that any relationship has to offer. Freedom with purpose, on the other hand, is necessary to live the life you desire.

Not all people experience the good effects of freedom. Sometimes, others prefer to become liberated just to pursue their negative desires in life. If your parents impede you to do something, is liberation the solution? A lot of people say that liberation is the key to exposing yourself to the different aspects of life. If you are liberated, no one would ever push you to do something that is against your will. You are also free to do anything you want, as long as it can make you happy and feel satisfied.