Words, they’re all around us, they assault us every day in every way possible, from talking with your friends to sitting down and having a quiet few minutes with a book, words are firmly entwined with every aspect of our lives. But do you realize the true power of words? They hold a huge sway over our actions and our emotions, they can make us happy, sad, angry, they can make us buy, make us jump for joy, sometimes even without us realizing they are doing it.

Think of some of the most powerful speeches ever made, they were all motivating, moving, packed full of imagery and inspiration, they all had the power to engage the listener and to move from where they were mentally, to where the speaker wanted them to be. That is just what your best sales messages should do! (You can find the complete transcription of Martin Luther King Jr’s famous ‘I have a dream’ speech at the end of this report and we'll be analyzing parts of it as we go along).