Lose weight! Increase energy! Look great! This book will show you how it's done. Not only that, it will show you how to change your life once and for all. You hold in your hands a book that has sold more than ten million copies since 1992. Probably two to three times that number of people have followed its teachings. Most of you will have heard people say it's the most effective weight loss plan they've tried. It is! If you're like many people, you've been through the weight loss wars. Name it and you've probably tried it, whether it's a low-fat diet, a food-combining diet, the grapefruit diet, liquid fasts, other fad diets and on and on. You've learned how to count calories, but ultimately with no success. Even if you lost weight, you were often hungry and always felt deprived. Then when you went back to your old way of eating, those pounds crept back, often joined by a few more.

If this scenario sounds all too familiar, I have a solution that will help end the game of yo-yo dieting once and for all.