Negative Calories. What are they? Negative Calorie foods have what we will refer to as a ìnegative calorie effect.î To give you an idea of what that means, weíll go through the process. You eat an apple. The apple you consume has 80 calories however, your bodyís chemical processing, digestion and breakdown of that apple causes you to burn off 100 calories thus, your negative calorie effect is ñ20 calories. Can you see the implications of a diet based on this premise?

Letís talk about the word diet. What images do you conjure up when you see or hear that word? I think of starving. I think of not ever getting full when I sit down to a meal. I think of all the foods that I like. I think of all the foods that Iím missing. What do you think? Weíre going to change all that. The first step is to redefine the word diet. In reality, we donít have to change the real definition, just the definition weíve all been programmed to believe in. Go ahead; look up the word diet in a dictionary. Letís do it together. Diet: 1. The usual food and drink of a person or animal. The other definitions are similar but none of the definitions define the word diet as a way to lose weight. Diet does not mean weight loss! Diet is simply the usual food and drink you consume.