Time Management is the skill of using your time efficiently. It’s not about getting things done quickly but rather – making use of most of your time so that no single minute is wasted. It’s important to note that time is a finite resource. You only have more or less 24 hours of each on any given day – but the things that need to get done may sometimes feel like you need more than that 24 hours each day.

Time Management is a way of fitting in all those ‘chores’ within the 24-hour period so that when taken together, you’ll be able to see a significant improvement in your overall goal. In the example scenario, Time Management could have been practised by writing as little as 333 words per day in a month to get your 10,000 words. It can also be writing 2500 words every Sunday for 1 month or writing 1000 words per day for 10 days. It can, therefore, be approached on a piecemeal fashion so that you can (1) easily include it in your schedule while (2) ensuring that you can actually have it finished by the time it is needed.