You put in the extra hours and make the effort to go above and beyond. You consider yourself motivated and driven. You try to stay organized, manage your time, schedule diligently, delegate, and all the rest of it. Yet, you feel frustrated because you just know that you can do better. For some reason, all your efforts are not achieving the spectacular successes that they should be. In fact, you often feel stuck in place and fighting a losing battle.

You often look at high achievers with envy and wonder what their secret is. What is it that allows them to skyrocket ahead seemingly effortlessly? How do they manage to leap from one spectacular success to the next? What makes them stand out and shine at whatever they do? What's the secret? So, what do super-achievers have that you don't? The short answer is - nothing! High achievement is not a product of luck, nor is it an innate quality that some people possess. Anybody can become a high achiever wherever they are in life and whatever their personal goals may be. Becoming a high achiever simply means attaining your personal greatness.