Public speaking is a skill that takes some time to learn. When it isdonewell,you can use it to convince someone to act a certain way, evokecertainemotions, and more. For many people, public speaking can be hardtolearnand get right, causing them a good deal of anxiety along the way. The good news is that anyone is able to learn some of the skills that comewith public speaking so you can give one of the best speeches possible. Whether you have a background in public speaking or not, the tipsbeloware going to give you a head start so you can give a great speechtoo. 1. Know Your AudienceBefore you give any speech and start to work on the message, youneedtoconsider who will listen to that message. While most of the researchshould be done on the topic you would like to present on, you alsoneedtoknow about the audience. This can help you decide the level of information,the words, and how you would like to organize the information. Thiscandowonders when it is time to start preparing the speech. 2. Organize the InformationYou will likely have a lot of information to share with the audience. Organizing it can sometimes be the most difficult part. Think about thetopicsyou have and how you would like to present them based on thepurposeof the speech.

Write down some of the main points and see whether theyflowtogether, moving things around as you see fit. 3. Watch for Feedback While you are giving the speech, gauge some of the feedback that youget and see if you should make some changes. See how others respondtothemessage and try to stay as flexible as possible as you do the delivery. If the speech is canned or phoned in, the audience will notice andtheywill stop listening or get confused. Having the flexibility to work withthespeechand make it move around can help.