Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders and is a very real fear for many people. Almost half of all women suffer from arachnophobia and about 10 percent of men share that fear. The media have made us all increasingly aware of the dangers of brown recluse spiders and the physical damage they can wreak on the human body. Poisonous spiders can be lurking just beneath your house. Even every day spiders can lurk in dark places in your home, finding themselves in your bath tub, unable to get out…. This is probably why some people are afraid of spiders, because they can be everywhere.

The good news is that there are ways to overcome the fear of spiders and in this ebook, we will be taking a good look at how phobias develop, why some people suffer with arachnophobia, and ways to overcome that fear. Phobia comes from the Greek word for ―fear‖ but should not as such be confused with ‗fear‘ as fear is much less dramatic than a phobia. According to the dictionary, the word "fear" denotes a painful feeling of impending danger, evil, trouble etc, the feeling or condition of being afraid. While fear is a consequence of a phobia, it is not the definition of it.