Is it possible to exist without stress? No! Thinking about stress in terms of "defeating" it is beating the beast with the wrong stick. Stress is frequently handled as an unwelcome guest. Let us set the record straight. Stress is an inseparable part of life. Simplifying may some of the times be overwhelming. The sum of stuff you have in your life and the sum of things you have to do may be too huge a mountain to undertake. However you don’t have to simplify it all at once. Do one matter at a time, and take little steps. You’ll get there, and have fun doing it. As a matter of fact, you are able to do small but important things today to begin living the simple life.

Is it possible to exist without stress? No! Thinking about stress in terms of "defeating" it is beating the beast with the wrong stick. Stress is frequently handled as an unwelcome guest. Let us set the record straight. Stress is an inseparable part of life. Stress is what drives you. Stress gives you that push and motivation when, say, you're gearing up for an important exam, or working on a vital project, or going to give a significant presentation, or preparing to appear in a job interview.