Are you one of those people who tense up, lose your breath, get all jittery and can't think of a thing to say in certain situations? If you're one of those people who have a hard time talking to new people or feel your face turning red when you are faced with talking to others, you are most likely shy. But don't worry help is on the way. In this report we will discuss different ways to help you come out of your shell and become more outgoing. Yes, it is possible. You can do it. What exactly is a shy person? These are people who go out shopping and are afraid to talk to the cashier. They get nervous and don't know what to say. A shy person sometimes speaks very quietly, so people will not hear them. By speaking quietly they are guarding themselves from saying something that may embarrass them.

When you are shy you will have to work at becoming more outgoing. One thing a shy person is known to do is observing other people. They feel that by observing other people they can improve themselves. A shy person is more likely to understand people since they pay more attention. If you have been shy your whole life, and have been observing people, this could give you an advantage.