Thought is the drive implicit in all. And what do we mean by this? Merely this: Your every act - each conscious act - is premised by a thought. Your commanding thoughts influence your dominating actions. In the domain of our own brains we have total control, or we ought to have, and if at any time we haven't, then there's a technique by which we may gain control, and in the domain of the brain become thorough masters. In order to get to the real foundation of the matter, let us look to this for a minute. For if thought is forever parent to our acts, habits, character, life, then it's first essential that we know totally how to command our thoughts.

Here let us refer to the law of the brain which is the same as is the law in association with the reflex nerve system of the body, the law which states that whenever one does a particular thing in a particular way it's easier to do the same thing in the same way the following time, and still simpler the next, and the next, and the next, till in time it comes to pass that no work is required, or no work worth speaking of; but on the opposite would call for the effort.