Free association. Let the ideas flow. Whatever comes into your head write it down. No thought is a bad one, there will be time for categorizing later, just let it flow! Write down dreams. These can be day dreams (e.g. hopes for your life) or actual dreams where you wake up and think, “oh wow, I wish life was like that!” Write it down! Write down long term goals. Think about where you want to be in ten years, 15 years, and 25 years. Writing it down makes it a more concrete goal. Write down short term goals. Think about where you want to be in 3 months, 6 months, a year, five years. Be as specific as possible. These will be your guide.

Listen to your favorite music. This will help you get the creative juices flowing. Music is also a great memory trigger, so it will help you remember the good things in life that you want. Watch an inspirational movie. Movies are power and often take us on an emotional journey to where we wish we were. Watch an inspirational movie and use those emotions as energy to actually start moving in that direction. Ask yourself what it is your want. What spend our lives asking others what they want, but what do you want? Deep down, what is it that you desire in life? Ask yourself how you think you can achieve what you want. Take time to think through some of the nuts and bolts of arriving at your destination. You do not have to know all the answers at this point, but a general direction would be helpful.