Take time to plan. Invest time in working out a long term and short term financial plan. The worst thing one can do is start trying to accumulate wealth without a real idea of what they are going to do tomorrow. Invest wisely. Research stocks and know the amount of money you are willing to lose. High return equals high risk. Stay diversified and you should not be disappointed. Pay yourself first. One simple word, save. Before you pay rent, bills and the like, pay yourself that is why you work. Take it out of the money been before it gets passed around.

Use cash. Using cash not only gives you bargaining power, but it also brings spending to a more tactile experience. It is much easier to impulse buy with a card, but counting out the cash is a bit harder to do. Do not depend on a credit card. Credit cards are not bad in and of themselves, but if you are relying on a credit card to pay your rent or bills, then you have a serious problem. Get on your feet first. Pay off debt. Get the monkey off of your back and pay off those outstanding credit card bills or your student loans. Your personal net worth will never increase until debt is g-o-n-e.