If you are starting to set your goals and resolutions for a new phase in your life – if you’re looking for something and trying to define what you call success then you are in the right place. However the unusual thing is: For several people, the definition of success banks on the failure of others. Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover that wealth and success can be measured in other things besides money. Constantly Comparing and Judging?

The behavior of judgment is a behavior of pride. It calls for looking to our own stock of knowledge, assembling a couple of facts, figures or fantasies, and mustering up some kind of answer or solution to a given problem or state of affairs. Only too often it's the incorrect solution or answer, and because of pride, we reject correcting course. Judging other people is a behavior of massive pride - tremendous pride, colossal pride, galling, amazing, grotesque pride. This should be emphasized. When you render judgment on some other person, you've taken upon yourself an amazing responsibility for arriving at the right judgment. Because, after all, your judgment isn't essential.