Though “After school activities” can be used to refer to the whole gamut of activities that children engage in outside the school hours, it is generally used to refer to the activities (mostly evening activities) that help the children enjoy and utilize their time in a productive manner. After school activities play an important role in the all round development of children and adequate importance must be given to them by the parents and guardians. Some parents and guardians focus just on school education and school activities, and pay no heed to after school activities of their children. They look for getting the best school education for their child but show no interest in what their child does after school. They leave the after school activities completely at the discretion of their children. But a child is a ‘child’ and might not be able to plan his/ her after school activities in the best way.

Even though your child might not ask for your advice explicitly, most children do need the guidance of their parents in planning their after school activities. Moreover, how can any responsible parent pay no attention to this important aspect that helps in the all round development of their child? However, in order to guide your child and help them plan their after school activities, you need to know the various considerations that go into such guidance and planning. The knowledge about these various considerations will help you in getting more conviction in the importance of having your child choose the right kind of after school activities. This is something that will help you in discussing the various after school activities with your child and even encourage him/ her to take up some really productive after school activities.