Search engine optimization is the process of making surethat thecontent on your website, no matter the industry andaudienceitisfor, is good enough for search engines to give it a highranking(ora thumbs up). When you employ search engine optimization, your website’schances of showing up as one of the top search results increases. This is important because anyone who does a searchonthelikesof Google is bound to click on the topmost search results. When your visibility increases and your website becomes oneofthose top links on the search results page, you have a chanceof getting that visitor to turn into a paying customer. Now, this is very important, whether you are an individual orabusiness because most searches on the internet start withasearch engine. In this book, together, we will go throughall thatyou need to know to get in the game and win some loyal andpaying customers. Let’s begin. With social media and online activity taking over our lives, it hasbecome a necessity for businesses to work on the manystrategiesthat make their online presence effective.

Companies now work on employing professionals whoseentirejob is to come up with different tactics that help businessesincrease their online traffic. This traffic is, more oftenthannot, dictated and redirected from search engines like Google. Andtoplease them, search engine optimization has become a fundamental part of the operation.