Traffic is the pre-requisite for any successful business. Just like how a typical brick and mortar shop needs people walking around to see their shop, an online business needs eyeballs as well. The problem is that for many new entrepreneurs, they lack the financial budget nor knowhow to generate tons of traffic for their businesses.

And then in the early internet marketing years, a group of people came up with the term “SEO Marketing” and this has been the forefront for free traffic generation till today. Let’s dwell deeper into this amazing phenomenon. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Marketing is a method of generating traffic for your online business without any cost. Created early in the web 2.0 era, this method has been used ever since from marketers around the world to create online traffic streams till today One of the good things about SEO marketing as it has the ability of creating passive traffic. Which means, you’ll be getting traffic without having to actively be there. (we will see how in the next few chapters).