Changing your breathing immediately changes your mental, physical and emotional state! For instance sitting quietly and letting your breathing become more tranquil, slower and shallower can produce a calmer state within a couple of minutes. So being able to change your breathing - to temporarily move from 'automatic' to 'manual' control puts you more in the drivers seat of your own emotions and the general rule is: Deep breathing leans towards producing more excitement. Shallow and slow breathing brings forth calmness. Getting skilled at altering your state through changing your breathing boosts your self-confidence in your state-management power so that unwished moods become just that - unwelcome. Not fearful, or endangering, nor in some way suggestive of personal weakness or inadequacy.

Having the breathing skills to change such unwished-for moods puts you in charge of yourself. By the way, while you are able to really quickly alter your state using breathing methods you as well need to change your thinking patterns to see to it that the change of state carries on. If you only change your breathing but go forward with the same old thoughts the unwishedfor moods will quickly return.