Hi there and welcome to this short course on using an article directory for Adsense profits. What I’m about to reveal to you is a super easy way to break into a niche, where people create the content for you, and all you have to do is use a simple strategy to get people to your site to click on your ads, and submit content for your site. Before you even get started with this course, you need to decide what niche you want to target, and then install your article directory. The reason this strategy is so cool is because you don’t have to worry about competition. You can literally do this in any niche you want. Even those high paying Adsense niches like finance, mortgages, and hot topic health issues.

It is important though that you have one niche per article directory you create. You don’t want your article directory to be on multiple niches. However, you can have multiple categories for your directory that are related to your niche. For example, if you were to do an article directory on finances. You might have the following categories: Bankruptcy Credit Currency Trading Debt Consolidation Debt Relief Estate Plan Trusts Investing