Every internet marketer who sticks with it longer than a few months ends up with a general idea of what a “sales funnel” ought to look like. The trouble is… A. You often find out about sales funnels too far onwards into your marketing journey. The sales funnel you hastily create as a result ends up more as a “patch” or afterthought on your marketing strategies, instead of a vital component in your initial long-term plan. B. And this is the biggie - everyone tends to think in “Perfect Diagram” mode. What is “Perfect Diagram” mode? It’s the phenomenon that occurs after a lifetime of reading textbooks and picture books. People imagine simplistic, textbook perfection, like so…

… when in reality, until you become a seasoned, experienced internet marketer, if your first sale funnel could be rendered or “translated” realistically, it might look more like this… So… are you really doomed to mess up your first sales funnel, so that it looks like something from a carnival Hall of Mirrors, or a psychedelic scene out of Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland?”