Every week, hundreds if not thousands of online business owners launch new products, yet, only a small minority of them make any profit, never mind survive the year. It’s time to hit this problem head on. Listen in while I show you exactly why the above statement is true and how, when you come to launch your products you can have massively improved success potential with just a few little known smart moves. Understand the value of this. What I’m about to show you isn’t something that you can just use once. It isn’t something that’s going to stop working any time soon either (in fact it’s been working since the first online businesses hit the net). This elevates your chance of a successful product launch immensely now, and far into the future of your business’ life. 2. Promotion Preparation In this section we're going to be building the full picture for your product launches. We're going to touch on every relevant subject in such a way that will leave you with a clear picture of how to launch any and all of your products, present and future, with a big bang. This is very much a ‘what’ to do and when report.

2.1. Heads Up. Now if we haven't met before, it's likely that I don't know you, your products and how far down the line you are with your marketing career. This is why we're going to start right at the beginning, and pull all our knowledge and resources together, and put a promotion timetable up at the end that you can follow with quick reference (So that you don't have to read thirty pages of text every time you want to launch a product). Whether it's your first or tenth product, the following will apply to you. What you'll find here is a lot of references to base marketing knowledge that may require additional research if you haven’t got that yet. This is intended for those that do, and are ready to launch their products. With that in mind though, if you've launched products before and had trouble making a profit, you should start to recognize where your gaps were, the gaps through which your money making ability was falling through previously, as things start to click into place and make sense.