Many people have tried to think up ways of making money with a music site. However they have been floored from the outset. Their complete mindset, their complete direction and (I have to say it) their complete lack of understanding has made them fail before they have even started. Then look at what happens: “That technique doesn’t work, it is rubbish…I give up. I did try it out though.” And then they pay some 3 rd party more hosting fees, signup fees and they are barely scraping by. This is not what needs to be done. The Internet is such a cool medium for the musicians.

Why? Because everyone who accesses it has a computer and information can easily be spread from one computer to another electronically. With music in MP3 format there are no shipping fees, technically no development fees (especially if you make tunes in your spare time). Basically it is like an ebook…and that industry has exploded. So the question has to be asked: SO WHY AREN’T MUSICIANS MAKING HUGE BUCKS? The simple reason is that it takes time and money to test new ideas. It takes time and money to see what works within your specific niche. Also musicians have been a neglected area of the Internet. Sure there are many promotion sites, many tools to make music, many audio editing programs, but ultimately they are all around the musician buying up a service or subscribing to one. I foresee that the musician can do without a lot of these services, and the stark message is that the musician can make a whole bundle of cash for themselves by actually doing it themselves.