Before you launch your first advertisement or campaign, before you address your first email, you need to find answers to two very important queries. Who is your target market? What makes them buy or sign up with an organization? The fastest as well as least expensive method for you to find out your answer to these questions is through testing and tracking. Testing The intention behind testing is to increase the rate of response to your campaign or offer.

For example, you could compose a sales letter and try out different headers for the advertisement. Often a good header can make all the impact that is needed. Many marketers have had their sales raised by almost 200% just because they altered their headlines. Even if your product yields steady and profitable sales, you should always test and experiment. A slight change can alter your measures from steady to overflowing! Tracking You must always keep a record of whatever you do in your business, not only of your profit and expenses, but also your promotional and publicity campaigns.