Influencer marketing is no longer something you can ignoreor playtrial and error with. It is a mainstream branch of digital marketingand is no longer optional, no matter the brand. The word influencer has been around for a few years now, but manymarketers and their brands are unclear on howto tap intothismarket to reach demographics that are still out of sight for them. Well, there is a first time for everything, but that doesn’t meanyougo into it blind. Hopefully, this book will give you a taste of the world youareaboutto enter. Let’s begin.

As the word suggests, an influencer is a person who can persuadetheir followers to change their behavior, which gives themacertainamount of control over the purchasing power of their audienceonany given social media platform. There are three types of influencerson the internet today and it depends on the size of their followers. ● Micro influencers have less than 10,000 followers andcanhelpreach a specific niche audience. This might be a small clubbutthe audience loyalty is strong. ● Power middle influencers have less than 250,000 but morethan 10,000 followers. They are not as big as international celebrities but have a considerable amount of influenceover 7 | Pagetheir followers. These influencers also have partneredwithbrands in the past and have some of that commercial experience. Macro influencers are the third kind and have more than250,000 followers. Typically, they are YouTube or Instagramcelebrities and have a huge following. But it is possiblethat they don’t have the same level of credibility as power middleinfluencers, which means their impact in terms of changingbuyer behavior won’t necessarily be directly proportional to the size of their following