There is a radical change in which we are obtaining information today. The number of options of obtaining information has increased, but what is most interesting is that the number of ways in which we can harness this information has also increased by leaps and bounds. Today there is so much we can do with the information we get and we can get it from so many places that our options have become almost endless.

But, to start with, we shall see about the differences in getting information. Here we talk of some ways of acquiring information that we can use in the contemporary sense. The human being has always been an inquisitive species. It is because of this reason that we have managed to reach this stage of development and progress in our evolution. We have consistently made progress and we have always believed that Necessity is the mother of invention. It is on account of that that we have been able to see our shortcomings, we have been able to see what we are lacking in, and then have been able to develop the things that we need to enhance our existence. This has been a continuous process throughout history. Humans have always been involved in the process of obtaining information and then harnessing it to improve their way of living. We did it 5,000 years ago, we are doing it now, and we will continue to do so 5,000 years down the line.