If you’ve been looking for ways of generating passive income, this special report will provide you with many different options. Some of the opportunities will require start-up capital while other options will only require your time and effort. Whether you want to be able to free yourself from the daily grind and still generate a full-time income, or you just want more time to spend with friends and family or perhaps traveling the world, passive income is the key! Passive Income is any income that requires little or no ongoing work to maintain. Ideally, your passive income businesses will require absolutely no work to maintain, but occasionally you can increase your income by expanding on your passive income channels, or by combining more than one. Passive Income Strategies: Special Report 5 You can always outsource these tasks and eliminate them from your own schedule as well. In this special report, we’ll discuss the top tips and strategies for creating streams of passive income so you can enjoy true financial freedom.

One popular passive income stream that doesn’t require a lot of start-up capital is selling your knowledge in the form of a book (digital or physical), or through an online course or training program. Some of the best types of digital content are “how-to” books that teach people specific skills that improve their lives somehow. In addition, it’s very easy to self-publish a book with the Amazon KDP platform. No longer do you have to try to land a publishing contract! You can simply create a free Amazon Publishers account and upload your manuscript.