A Hands Free Solution This a run through of how you can integrate a sales platform and a supplier to take away all the heavy lifting for you Print on Demand designs. In this example I am going to show you how Printful integrates with the shopping Marketplace Etsy. You first need to open an Etsy Shop. You need to complete sign up and check your email to confirm it is you that is applying. The first page after sign up sorts out your shop preferences. A very simple page which just asks language , country and currency. It does get a bit more difficult but not too much.

The next page asks you to name your shop. At this point you might have a problem if you haven’t yet decided on your niche and what type of thing you are thinking of selling. It is not compulsory but it is very useful if your shop name reflects the theme of the products you are offering. The page has the facility to check that you haven’t chosen a name that is already taken. Once you have found a name for your shop and had it accepted you move to a page which asks you to load your first product. It is a good idea to have your first product image available when you start this process and have one that was at least 750 pixels wide. I had several messages saying that my images were too narrow before I got it right.