CPA EXPLAINED The High Value Marketing Offer If you notice, many of these offers aren't just a single product; they are a packet of products! And, the actual value of each product in the pack is very clearly stated so that the customer understands that this is really a high-dollar value offer, as well as a huge bargain! Some packages can have a real value of a couple hundred dollars or more, but when it comes time to buy, the customer is made aware that they really only have to pay a shipping and handling fee!

The point is that the perceived value of your product should be very high! It should be an offer that's very difficult to say “no” to. Even though the material that may be delivered to the house may be only a $3 CD, the product value can have a much higher-perceived value due to what information is being sent out to the customer. If they think it's something that will help them make money or is difficult to get anywhere else, your product will have a very highperceived value. You can see some nice examples of this type of temptation being offered to the customer by the large dollar values being crossed out; at times, even the total estimated cost of the pack is crossed out. That's one way to be very specific about the perceived value of the product and to set that number in the mind of your customer. Their actual cost, it is later explained, is actually just the cost to ship the product to their home! How can anyone refuse that type of offer if they even have the smallest amount of interest in the subject being sold?