For the first six months of life breast milk is the only food that your baby needs to grow and be healthy. Breastfeeding is the normal way to feed babies. If you give your baby any other food, including infant formula, you will make less breast milk. If you stop breastfeeding, it can be hard to start breastfeeding again. Your baby will not get all of the benefits of breastfeeding. • Breastfeeding is healthy, natural, convenient, and free. It is a good way to bond with your baby. • Breast milk contains antibodies that lower the chance of your baby getting infections. • Mothers who breastfeed have less risk of breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.

Breastfed babies need 10 micrograms (400 IU) of vitamin D each day. Continue until your baby is one year old and eating foods that have vitamin D. In Canada, the sun is not strong enough throughout the year for mothers and babies to make the vitamin D they need through their skin. Also, babies who are less than one year old need to stay out of direct sunlight. Continue to breastfeed until your baby is two years old or more. The longer you breastfeed, the more benefits you and your baby get. If you are thinking about using infant formula, get all the facts first. Breast milk protects your baby’s health in ways that infant formula does not.