Out of sight and out of mind" is a phrase that aptly describes the chaos that plagues most refrigerators. Even if you keep a tidy house and your kitchen is so clean it sparkles, your refrigerator is undoubtedly harboring disorganization or spoiled food. However, learning how to organize your refrigerator effectively is easy, and it's even easier to maintain once you organize it once and for all. If you are looking for innovative tips and tricks to help you learn how to organize your refrigerator, then look no further than this guide for How to Organize Your Refrigerator How to Organize Your Refrigerator Believe it or not, there is a correct place for certain items in your fridge. Adhering to a few rules and tips could help eliminate spoilage as well as disorganization. Follow these simple guidelines and suggestions to find out how to organize your refrigerator and how to get the most out of this hardworking appliance.

1. Eggs should not be kept in the door but in the center of the middle shelf. This particularly cold spot will help keep your eggs fresh. 2. Dairy should never be kept in the door, which tends to be warmer, but on the bottom shelf where it is coldest. This includes milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, and yogurt. 3. Certain items do not need to be kept as cold, so they are well-suited for storage in the door. Such items include butter, soft cheeses, condiments, pickles, and salsa. 4. You should never mix fruit, vegetables, and deli meats in the same drawer. This can lead to spoilage because these items have different humidity and temperature requirements. Fruit should be kept in a drawer with low humidity, such as the crisper. Vegetables do well in a drawer with higher humidity. Deli meats and cheeses should be kept in their own drawer, which is generally slightly cooler than the rest of the fridge. If you do not have a deli drawer, store these meats and cheeses on the bottom shelf. 5. Raw meats should be kept on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator because it is coldest. It will also prevent the uncooked items' juices from dripping and contaminating the other food in the refrigerator if they leak. 6. Store all food and leftovers in clear containers. This will help you easily identify what you have and will encourage you to eat the leftovers. 7. Good air circulation is vital to keeping your food cold and fresh. Avoid overcrowding your refrigerator, which will restrict circulation and lead to spoilage. 8. Keep one shelf generally clear at all times for cooked and prepared foods. This way, you will always have a place to put tomorrow's lunches or items that have been prepped for dinner. You will also always know that there is space readily available should need to chill something, such as dough or a cake.