I want to start out by telling you that this “Internet Thing” really isn't that tough, once you figure it out. Hang in there, apply what you learn and you will become successful. I also want to give full disclosure... I am NOT an Internet Guru. I don't live in a million dollar house and have fancy sports cars. I'm not even earning a full time income from my Internet activities. I'm pretty sure I've found all the ways to fail, and now I've found the way to succeed. This report will show you the simple 3-Step System to succeeding on the Internet. If you've been struggling to make your Internet business work for you, then this book will show you the path to follow. I also want to tell you that I'm not going to guarantee anything. I don't know you or your situation, your skills or your talents. What might work for me, may or may not work for you.

What I am going to tell you, however, is that if you follow these simple steps in this system, you should be well on your way to becoming a success on the Internet. Chapter 2: Step 1 – The Tools Without the proper tools you will not succeed in your Internet business ventures. That's a guarantee! A carpenter can't build a house without a hammer and nails. It's just that simple. If you don't acquire the proper tools for your Internet marketing business, you're not going to succeed. Period. So, what tools do you need? Tool #1 – A Website... You may have heard it before, but until you get your own web site, you will not have very much success with your marketing efforts. The number one reason you need to get your own web site is so you can brand yourself. Branding allows you to become known around the Internet. It gives you a unique personality on the Internet and sets you apart from the millions of others out there.