It’s a given that you aren’t born knowing how to create download links, driving traffic to your site or heck, even editing a prefabricated sales page. Take heart, though. This won’t deter you unless you let it! The best way to look at it is this: lacking the knowledge to do these essential online tasks is just a call to learn how to do them. And really, they are quite easy, it’s just a matter of learning how to do each. Without further ado, let’s identify and go over these skills so you can start putting them to use! Creating Web Graphics Why would you need to create your own graphics? You may find yourself needing to make ecovers, buttons for your site among a whole slew of other web graphics. While you can avoid having to learn and create your own graphics, you may end up paying out the nose for a graphic designer to create them for you. Or, if you don’t pick up some sort of training regarding graphics, you may find yourself in the large group of folks on the Internet whose graphics are, quite frankly, laughable and unprofessional (nope, this is not good!) Personally, I first used Microsoft Paint to create all my graphics. And, well, they were shoddy graphics. I’m sure you could blackmail me with them if you had copies of those grainy, cheesy graphics!

Currently, I use Adobe PhotoShop. There are other graphic programs but PS seems to be the standard; In my experience, it has definitely been the easiest and most feature-rich graphic editor I’ve used to date. While its price may be above your means, you definitely want to eventually secure a copy of it! I guess the next obvious question would be: where do I learn how to use PhotoShop and create graphics? I recommend Andy Eaton’s