Search Engine Results. Research has shown that most new customers to an online business are generated by search engines; and most search engine business comes from the first two or three pages of the search results on a keyword. By optimizing your site and its content to maximize your placement on search engines, you also maximize your new customer pool. It can be the virtual visibility equivalent of moving from a shed in the back of your house to a glossy storefront on a major street. The single key to all these approaches is great fresh articles, optimized for your website. The problem? Most web businesspeople don't have the time to write tons of articles for their websites. The solution: private-label rights articles.

Niche Marketing with Great Articles One of the most magnificent qualities of the Internet is that, by bringing the world close together, it enables people who fill one tiny corner of interest to come together, marketing to each other, sharing ideas, and growing as a niche community. For instance, consider antique marble collecting. I don't know many people who collect antique marbles. But if I do a search online, I can find dozens of sites that specialize in it, many with excellent information on their sites, places to trade and sell my antique marbles, and tools with which to make my own marbles. How can you leverage the enormous power of niche marketing? The best way is by providing your web site with great content focused directly at these niche markets. Instead of selling to the masses who are interested in Bono and Cocacola, sell to those who are hungry for information and resources concerning their special interest