If you are anything like me than you want to create a recurring affiliate income where you work once and get paid forever. An income where you don’t have to think of customer service, product delivery or technical support. It’s no secret that most affiliates are known for their ‘laziness’ (I call it lifestyle ☺) but that’s why we are all here isn’t it? We want to make the most money with the least amount of effort and we want that income flowing into our bank account whether we are on holiday, fishing or traveling the world. Paul Kleinmeulman Australia I have discovered a killer method that works like “gang busters” bringing me in up to $632.65 each month. The best part is that it only took me less than 10 minutes to setup and it is constantly growing each and every month.

Listen, you are about to read in this 27 page special report, the techniques and tips that super affiliates use to make 90% more than other affiliates do. But if I were to share with you just one technique that you could instantly apply to get monthly commissions that grow constantly, you would be interested wouldn’t you? Say yes, if I’m talking your language. I freely admit that if you already have a list that is constantly growing then you instantly have 95% of the formula, but if you don’t have a list do not worry because even you can profit from this opportunity. Here is the simple 3 step formula. Step 1. Join an affiliate program offering exceptional commissions for memberships that continuously pay you every month for every subscriber you refer. Step 2. Use all of the recommended promotional tools but especially add to your autoresponder series a solo ad for the membership or a quality review with bonus. Step 3. Sit back rake in the money and continually drive traffic to either your autoresponder or other advertisements to continually grow it. Good news... Here is the perfect opportunity to get started immediately. Automatic Niche Profits (ANP) is the first, business in a box, ‘Private Label Rights’ membership that offers it’s members, two unique products every month with sales pages, auto-responders, articles PLUS audio AND VIDEO as well. ANP pays a generous 60% commission every month for as long as the referred subscriber remains a paying member.