As Internet marketers or a people who have an online business of some description, I have no doubt that you already understand and appreciate the importance of research. Indeed, you have probably discovered over the years, that good research methods are absolutely essential, especially when you are setting up a new venture. In this situation, if you are working without accurate research results from the very beginning, it naturally follows that every individual aspect of your business that is based on this faulty research is built on very unstable foundations.

But, whilst it is a given that solid research is absolutely essential, it is not necessarily something that most of us involved in online marketing actually enjoy. If you’re anything like me, you probably find that the research stage of launching a new product is probably the most frustrating, time-consuming and tedious aspect of the whole process. So, would you believe me if I suggested that there is one research resource that you can utilize at almost every stage of the research process when you are setting up a new online marketing project, almost irrespective of what kind of marketing project you’re involved with? How about if I took this analogy one stage further and suggested that it is a resource that you almost certainly use every time you go online. And how would you feel if I suggested that if for some reason there is the odd day in every 365 when you don t use this particular resource, you can be absolutely certain that there are millions of people all over the world who are busily making up for you in your absence. Having read this far, you probably think that you are reading the ravings of a complete nutter. After all, is such a research resource existed, then you would surely know about it, right? But that is exactly the point. You do know about it, and I am absolutely confident that 99% of people reading these words will be using this resource each and every day