If you have been in any form of online marketing over the past couple of years, you will know that Facebook is one of the best market places around. Research suggests that it is searched more than Google, and with over 500 million users willing to recommend products or services to each other, can make a Fan Page go viral in just a few hours, if not minutes! Up until recently though, setting up a custom Fan Page was fairly easy, if you knew how to use FBML (Facebook Markup Language). But now, Facebook has changed the way it works, and requires the use of iframes, which are containers for other pages. Also if you have been around online marketing for a while, you’ll know that setting up a Wordpress website is very easy, so easy in fact that it just takes a few clicks and you are up and running (if you are using cpanel hosting). And if you haven’t been living under a rock for the past few years, you’ll have heard all about eBay, the online auction website, where individuals auction off their unwanted items, and many companies also auction their goods on eBay too. These are the three components, that when combined can make you some money. So How do you set it all up?

What you need You will need a Facebook account. A personal facebook account will be fine, as you can create Fan pages from that account, heck you could even make a name up for the purposes of this, if you want to remain anonymous! Next, you will need a Wordpress website. For this system it is best to use your own hosting as you will most likely want to set up more than one of these Facebook Fan Pages, in fact the more of these that you set up, the more chance you have of making good money, and as it only takes about half an hour to set up (once you get into the rhythm of it), it is wiser to have your own hosting account.