Introduction: There’s an old saying that’s been around much longer than the Internet that really does have a wealth of truth to it. And that saying is simply this: “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” Now, I’m not some kind of great philosopher and we certainly don’t have the time to grab some breakfast tea and sit around for hours discussing the great amount of wisdom encapsulated in this short saying. Let’s just cut to the chase and say… … “it’s true”. J And it certainly is true when it comes to growing an Internet business. If you don’t carefully plan your business strategy, you’ll likely become another one in the long line of those who fail. Some estimates show that as much as 95% of online businesses fail. And a major contributing factor to that unsettling statistic is undoubtedly the failure to set a realistic plan in motion. SPECIAL REPORT: "How to Make Six-Figures Online" by Jimmy D. Brown That’s not gonna happen to you. At least, not if I can help it. (You’ll have to do your part too, of course). If you spend a few minutes reading this special report, I’m going to give you a fool-proof, 3-step system for building a $100K / year business on the Internet. And – I’ll even give you some very specific action steps you can take beginning today to begin growing your own business. You’ll be shocked at how simple a system it is to use. And you’ll probably be just a bit amazed (maybe even frustrated or angry) that someone hasn’t shown you all of this before now. Perhaps the best thing about this system is this: it doesn’t matter who you are, what “niche” you are involved in, or what KIND of business you are building. It works for… • Anyone selling ebooks. • Anyone selling physical information products. • Anyone selling subscriptions or memberships. • Anyone selling services (one-time or recurring) • Anyone selling affiliate products. • Anyone selling advertising. • Anyone selling reprint rights products. • Anyone selling ghostwritten materials. • Anyone selling goods at online auctions. SPECIAL REPORT: "How to Make Six-Figures Online" by Jimmy D. Brown Quite honestly, if you’re attempting to sell anything on the Internet, this plan WILL work for you if you put it into action. Now, before we get into the three steps, I want to tell you a story. Yeah, yeah, I know – but stay with me here, because this is IMPORTANT. Imagine this: You walk up to a car and are instructed to start pushing. You do. It doesn't go very far and someone else comes up and asks you to start pushing on a different car instead. Since the first car isn't moving very much, you decide to push the second one while a newcomer (John) starts pushing car number one. Stay with me here.

You don't have much success with car number two, so at the urging of someone, let's just call him an "ezine publisher", you move on to car number three while John continues to stay with car number one. You get kind of frustrated with car number three because the darn thing just doesn't move much when you push on it. In disgust, you move on to car number four, five, six and seven because someone you know told you that they would be better. All the while, 'ol John sticks with car number one. After a few hours you haven't gotten anywhere. You were only able to move the cars just a little bit and you've decided to call it quits. You look around and it's then that you notice it...