I want to help you get started making money online. I honestly believe that Internet marketing is the best business in the world to be in. What other business can be fully automated, reach an audience of millions and can make money at any time? What other business requires, no staff, no warehousing, no premises, no major overheads and no boss? It enables you to work from anywhere in the world because all you need is an Internet connection. There are many things to learn and it doesn’t all just come at once, you need to work at it to become successful, but with the knowledge and the desire to succeed, you will go very far.

I can’t give you the desire to succeed nor can I teach it as this is something that is built into you. I have it and I am assuming you do too because you got your hands on a copy of this guide. However, what I can do is give you the knowledge you need to succeed and show you how to use it. So if you are happy for me to help you do this then you have the right guide in front of you. I would suggest reading over it very carefully, visiting the links I provide and getting to know the ins and outs of this truly brilliant Business. So where do you begin making money on the Internet? With so many others already earning money and shouting about their methods, where exactly do you begin? It is a little bit daunting at first I must admit and many "Newbies" (beginners) give up before they've really begun. That's often due to the unrelenting maze of courses, e-books, reports etc. There is just so much information to take in. When I started, I distinctly remember one of my mentors telling me that I need to be like a sponge and absorb absolutely everything. This is so true and I would like to pass that advice onto you. You need to learn as much as you can, knowledge is power in this business. This is not an easy, get rich quick scheme, you will need to put in a fair amount of hard work in the early stages to get the rewards later, but it is well worth it.