Abundance as depicted by many would imply plentiful or wealth & Spirituality would imply to live in the spirit or to be inclined toward a religious mental attitude toward life. What my observance has been that most individuals when on a spiritual journey shun abundance. They believe that to be blessed with abundance would block their spiritual advancement. I for one totally take issue with this concept. Get all the info you need here.

Other people might have their own belief and you’re most welcome to state it. Extravagant desire for wealth and things which you can't have leads to misery I concur. Extravagant hoarding of money or the pursuit of money alone and not of enjoying it or the simple things in life too leads to sickness and depression. Latterly I had a deeply spiritual individual state that she doesn’t want any cash, which I thought according to the law of attraction was that of a horrible mental attitude toward life.