If you conduct some research on the Internet for what monetization actually means, you will be thrown up with a lot of definitions. Actually, monetization is an umbrella term for a lot of assorted things, but in a much generalized manner, we can say that monetization means making money out of things that people don’t usually consider money-worthy. For example, if you have an old collection of Archie’s Comics from your dad or your uncle and you are able to sell them for a tidy sum, you have monetized the collection.

Monetization means making money out of ordinary things, in unexpected ways. It is quite easily understandable why people are going all out trying to monetize everything that is in their sight. Or, even out of sight. People are making money out of special talents that they have. If you have a special talent for math and are using it to tutor the neighbor’s kid for money, you are monetizing your talent. If you are writing a piece of content and selling it to someone, you are monetizing your flair for writing.