Coming from someone who started with running cotton plantations and ended up making a fortune in oil business, H L Hunt’s words are to be taken seriously. You Only Live Once is a 7 step focused action guide designed to provide you with the direction, purpose and drive that you are looking for. It includes a number of exercises and assignments that will walk you through the process of first working out what you want from your life and then establishing how you are going to get it. It will help you to stop drifting along in life – instead you will discover what your life is all about and how you can go about improving it. You Only Live Once will provide your very own map for getting from where you are to where you want to reach. You will soon rediscover those lost ambitions, those dreams that had fallen by the wayside.

This is the time to start afresh. So start right now! 1. Discover what you really want from life Life is so short that you cannot wait for your wishes to be fulfilled. Neither is it generous enough to let you take everything for granted. However, it is possible to design your life in a way you can go out and grab whatever you want. First of all, you need to have a clear picture of where you are at right now. Then you need to discover what you truly want from life. Over the next few pages, you’ll develop a clearer understanding of what you want and find the ways to make sure that you are going to fulfill your dreams. These first steps are the foundation on which the others are based so it’s important to spend a bit of timing working out your ideas.