Welcome to The 10-Day Detox Diet! I’m so glad you are ready to take back your health and applaud you for jumping on board. If you are curious about the role your food choices play in your health, then you are on the right track. I have spent my career researching the effect of food on health, and the evidence is clear that food is medicine and what you put on your fork has everything to do with how you look and feel! The 10-Day Detox Diet is about rethinking your approach to food, and helping you understand that food is way more than just calories, it is information. In fact it is the most powerful medicine to heal and achieve an ideal weight. That is if you choose the right information. And that is what The 10-Day Diet Diet is all about. It promotes healthy, sustainable weight loss and lifelong health and wellness. I created this Roadmap as a companion to The 10-Day Detox Diet Cookbook. It is meant to be a quick reference sheet to help you become comfortable with the healthy, wholesome and delicious ingredients you will be using for the next 10 days. It provides a clear guide to portion size and to the frequency of your meals and snacks. I hope this Roadmap helps you get started on your journey and that it comes in handy when you need a quick reminder that you can do this! Enjoy the ride!

ABOUT THE 10–DAY DETOX DIET The 10-Day Detox Diet was created so I could teach you how easy, fast and delicious it can be to lose weight and create health. Just follow this scientifically proven program, and in 10 days not only can you lose up to 10 pounds, but you can also put an end to chronic health problems including type 2 diabetes, asthma, joint pain, digestive problems, autoimmune disease, headaches, brain fog, allergies, acne, eczema and even sexual dysfunction. How is that possible? Because what makes you sick makes you fat, and what makes you fat makes you sick. It’s all connected. You know when your computer freezes up? What do you do? You reboot. Well, the 10-Day Detox Diet does the same thing for your metabolism—by following my scientifically proven diet and lifestyle practices, we can reset your metabolism to function as it was designed to. You’ll lose weight without going hungry, and clear up a whole list of health symptoms without fad diets or dangerous pills. And all it takes is 10 days.