Getting Prepared To Save 1.Budget Everyone should create a budget. Even if you aren’t good with money or don’t know where to begin with starting a budget, many businesses such as H&R Block, offer free financial consulting to help you put a budget together. Knowing where you are spending your money is by far the best way to save. In most cases, people have no idea where their money is really going and once they see it on paper, not only are they surprised but they also decide to change their spending habits. 2. What Matters to You Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Make a list of the 10 most important things in your life.

Next to each one, rank them in order of importance using numbers 1 through 10. The purpose of this exercise is to help you see the things you consider the most and least important. This will provide you with a visual of why you need to save. Some examples of things that a person might put on their list are buying a new home or car, a big vacation, starting a business, or paying off debts. 3. You MUST Set Goals Break your goals into short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term. Being able to see your accomplishments is a great motivator for you to work hard at saving. If you set a short-term goal of saving for a bigger TV for your family room and reach that goal, you will be encouraged to keep saving for the intermediate and long-term goals. 4. Be Realistic When it comes to saving money, make sure the goals you set for yourself are realistic. If you set your goals to high and never achieve them, you will become discouraged. If you  2005 4 82 Techniques That Will Put MORE Money In YOUR Pocket! earn $50,000 a year, saving $20,000 would be nice but it is very unrealistic. Make your goals attainable or you will never save.